Where do the Bootcamp students come from?
In 2021, we had two CfaN Evangelism Bootcamps with 240 students in total, over 4 times as many as 2020!
They are 60% international (40% from the USA), so we have people from all over the world. It’s a mixed group of men and women, and all ages from their early twenties right up to seventies. Some have many years of ministry
experience, and some are brand-new to the mission field.
What’s a day like at Bootcamp?
It’s intense! After getting up, Bootcamp students spend about an hour and a half in prayer, led by Eric Gilmour.
Then they typically have two sessions from some of the absolute best soul winners and evangelists pouring into them. It’s at a really high level, both the spiritual and the practical, on how to have a successful evangelistic campaign ministry. And it’s seven days a week. Last year’s course was 6 months. This year, we’ve squeezed the same material into 3 months. The pace is relentless.
What is the aim of the training?
We want to equip these people to the level of being a lead evangelist. We want them to get to the point where, if you dropped them off anywhere in the world, they would begin to win souls, then be equipped all the way up to mobilizing churches and mass campaign evangelism.
What does “practical” training mean?
It’s literally everything evangelists need to know, from how to pack a suitcase so your clothes don’t wrinkle, how to navigate airports, all the way to spending time behind the scenes working closely with CfaN staff in every department.
We want them to understand how to organize events, how to run a ministry with integrity, efficiency and everything they need to be effective evangelists.
How do they practice what they’re learning?
There are outreaches happening all the time.
Weekend outreaches on Friday and Saturday nights are intense. They’re going into bars and clubs downtown here in Orlando, preaching the Gospel to the last, the least and the lost. But in addition to the planned outreaches, these guys are unstoppable!
They’re going out in the week in their own time. Recently, with just an hour off time, some students decided to go out and have an “hour of power”—and 38 souls were saved! Every weekend, we’re seeing at least a hundred people saved.
CfaN Evangelism Bootcamp Director