It has truly been an honor and privilege to be a part of this CfaN Evangelism Bootcamp. Over the past two years, I have ministered as a guest evangelist in four pre-crusade outreaches in Africa with Christ for all Nations. In November 2019, Evangelist Daniel Kolenda met with me, shared the vision of the Bootcamp training, and asked me to move to Orlando to help train and mentor evangelists. I could find no reason why I would not want to help him raise up an army of evangelists! I gladly packed my bags and moved to Orlando at the beginning of 2020.
As I began working with the Bootcamp students, one of the first things I noticed was that a few students lacked confidence in themselves to be evangelists. One of the biggest tactics of the enemy is to strip people of their confidence that God can use them. You can be pure and holy but still lack the faith it takes to operate in the power of God. One of my main prayers for them was, “God, give these evangelists the confidence that You can use them just like You can use any other man or woman of God.” I’m glad to say I believe God answered my prayer! It was so amazing to see the transformation in these evangelists. I don’t even know how to explain it. All I can say is that this Bootcamp has radically changed the lives of each one. They look so different. It is nothing you can see with your natural eye, but you can tell in the spirit that something supernatural has been imparted to them here at this Bootcamp. They now walk with a supernatural authority on their lives. I can’t wait to watch them minister on foreign soil, heal the sick, cast out devils, and bring in massive harvests of souls! Maybe, as you read this, you know that you have the call to be an evangelist, but you are not sure how to do it and you lack confidence. I want to encourage you to not waste your whole life sitting on your calling, believing that one day you will shake the nations. Now is the time, my friend! TAKE ACTION, get trained, get equipped, and learn to walk in the authority of your God-given Evangelistic calling!
Jared Horton